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【DJSI-067】オチ●ポ欲しくて発情する女たち ところ構わずオマ●コを見せつけ誘惑する露出女の亀頭責め手コキに思わずドピュ!! 四岁男童爬入猩猩池,动物园射杀大猩猩引争议
发布日期:2024-08-20 09:36    点击次数:196

【DJSI-067】オチ●ポ欲しくて発情する女たち ところ構わずオマ●コを見せつけ誘惑する露出女の亀頭責め手コキに思わずドピュ!! 四岁男童爬入猩猩池,动物园射杀大猩猩引争议

四岁男童爬入猩猩池【DJSI-067】オチ●ポ欲しくて発情する女たち ところ構わずオマ●コを見せつけ誘惑する露出女の亀頭責め手コキに思わずドピュ!!,动物园射杀大猩猩引争议

A 400-pound gorilla named Harambe who was shot dead by Cincinnati Zoo officials just one day after his 17th birthday has sparked an outcry of emotion as mourners called it a 'senseless death'. 一只叫作念哈兰贝的400磅重的大猩猩,在17岁生辰事后的第一天,就被辛辛那提动物园的职责主说念主员一枪打死了。它的死激起了东说念主们的利害抗议,丧祭者们说这是“不消的逝世”。

Many are placing the blame squarely on the parents of a four-year-old boy, who investigators believe crawled through a railing barrier and fell into the gorilla exhibit's moat before he was dragged by Harambe in the water for about 10 minutes. 许多东说念主皆把包袱径直推给一个四岁小男孩的父母,看望者以为,他爬过围栏,掉入猩猩展示区的壕沟,然后被哈兰贝在水里拖拽了快要十分钟。

The small child said he wanted to get in the water before the incident, to which the mother, who was also watching several other children, replied: 'No, you're not, no, you're not,' according to one witness Kim O'Connor. 据目睹者金姆•奥康纳说,发生事故之前,小男孩对他姆妈说他想下水,那位母亲还保管着其他几个孩子,她回话说:“不行,不成下去,不行,不成下去”。

The zoo's animal response team assessed the 'life-threatening situation' and defended their decision to shoot Harambe rather than tranquilize him, but thousands took to social media to call it a 'murder'. 园方的动物救急小组评估了“生命挟制情况”,辩解称他们决定射杀哈兰贝而不是麻醉他的决定是正确的,可是数以千计的东说念主在支吾网站说这是一场“谋杀”。

O'Connor told WLWT she heard the boy talking about getting into the water before she heard a splash, followed by frantic yelling once onlookers realized he was inside the enclosure. 奥康纳对WLWT电视台说她听见小男孩说要下水,然后就听到落水的声息,紧随着传来猖獗的叫喊声,因为旁不雅者们意志到小男孩跑到围栏内部了。

A video emerged on Saturday revealing some of the chilling moments Harambe was dragging the boy in the water, although more graphic portions were cut from the footage. 周六发布出一个视频,展示了一些哈兰贝在水中拖拽小男孩的张皇失措的时分,可是较表现骇东说念主的片断被删减了。


According to O'Connor, the gorilla looked like he was trying to protect the boy from panicked bystanders who may have aggravated the tense situation. 据奥康纳说,大猩猩看上去像是想保护小男孩,慌乱的旁不雅者们也许加重了弥留的场合。

She said: 'I don't know if the screaming did it or too many people hanging on the edge, if he thought we were coming in, but then he pulled the boy down away further from the big group.' 她说:“我不知说念猩猩拖拽小男孩是因为尖叫如故太多东说念主趴在围栏上【DJSI-067】オチ●ポ欲しくて発情する女たち ところ構わずオマ●コを見せつけ誘惑する露出女の亀頭責め手コキに思わずドピュ!!,也不知说念他是不是以为咱们要进去,可是之后他把小男孩拉下来,隔离东说念主群密集的场所。”


Director Thane Maynard supported the zoo's dangerous animal response team for their decision to put down the gorilla. 园长塞恩•梅纳德撑执动物园危境动物救急小组射击猩猩的决定。

'They made a tough choice and they made the right choice because they saved that little boy's life,' Maynard said. 他说:“他们作念了个竭力于的决定,他们的采选是正确的,因为他们救了小男孩一命。”

But outraged animal lovers took to social media declaring the western lowland gorilla's life was unnecessarily taken, and more than 1,000 have already joined the Facebook group Justice for Harambe. 可是震怒的动物喜欢者们在支吾媒体上称,本不必夺走这只西部低地大猩猩的生命,依然有一千多名网友加入“给哈兰贝公说念”脸书小组中。

One Twitter user wrote: 'So a beautiful, innocent gorilla has to die because neglectful parents can't control their kids? Mankind sucks :( #Harambe #CincinnatiZoo' 一位推特用户写说念:“如斯清秀、无辜的大猩猩,就因为漂浮的父母管不住孩子,就必须故去吗?东说念主类太恶心了:( #哈兰贝 #辛辛那提动物园”

Another user Chris Dasauchoit tweeted: 'Beautiful animals sadly paying for utter human stupidity and negligence with their lives. #Harame #CincinnatiZoo.' 另外一个网友克里斯•达萨奥库伊特发推称:“清秀的动物纯正因为东说念主类的愚蠢和对生命的漂浮而付出代价,令东说念主悲悼。#哈兰贝 #辛辛那提动物园。”



According to Maynard, the gorilla did not appear to be attacking the child, but he called it 'an extremely strong' animal in an agitated situation. 据梅纳德说,大猩猩并莫得进展出对小孩的短处行径,可是他说它在慌张不安的情况下是个“极其结实”的动物。

Maynard explained that tranquilizing the gorilla would not have knocked it out immediately, leaving the boy in danger. 他讲明说,麻醉猩猩并不会使它立即眩晕,小男孩会处在危境之中。

The child was taken to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center with serious but 'non-life threatening' injuries following the incident, which was reported around 4pm. 下昼四时阁下有报说念称,事故发生后,小孩被送进了辛辛那提儿童病院医疗中心,受伤严重但“莫得生命危境”。


Zoo director Maynard noted it was the first time the team had killed a zoo animal in such an emergency situation, and he called it 'a very sad day' at the zoo. 园长梅纳德提到,这是救急小组第一次在如斯要紧的情况下杀死了动物园的动物,他说这是动物园“格外痛心的一天”。

He said in a statement: 'The Zoo security team's quick response saved the child's life. 他在声明中说:“动物园安全小组的快速响应维持了这个孩子的生命。”

'We are all devastated that this tragic accident resulted in the death of a critically-endangered gorilla. This is a huge loss for the Zoo family and the gorilla population worldwide.' “这起悲催事故导致一头被列为极危物种的大猩猩逝世,咱们皆十分悲悼。这对动物园人人庭和全寰球的猩猩种群皆是宏大的赔本。”

Jerry Stones, who raised the gorilla, said he was devastated by the news. 把这只大猩猩养大的杰里•斯通斯说听到这个音讯他皆崩溃了。

'He grew up to be a pretty, beautiful male. He was very intelligent. His mind was going constantly. He was just such a sharp character.' “他长成了一只能人、清秀的雄性动物。他格外明智。他总在不休地想考。他便是一个这样奢睿的家伙。”


squarely: 正中地;明确地 graphic: 明晰具体的 put down: 弹压;杀死 knock out: 使失去知觉

英文开头:逐日邮报 译者:实习生孙好意思真 审校&剪辑:丹妮【DJSI-067】オチ●ポ欲しくて発情する女たち ところ構わずオマ●コを見せつけ誘惑する露出女の亀頭責め手コキに思わずドピュ!!

上一篇:【KMDS-20334】日本VS海外剛毛熟女SEX対決!!40人8時間 休渔期收尾,深圳市民争尝开渔“头鲜”!价钱怎样?
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